SalePoint, a leading provider of high value business solutions, has heard from businesses that they are working diligently to keep their staff and customers safe and healthy. They face complete closures if a staff member gets sick. Many businesses are working hard to stay open during times when they can only offer curbside and takeout services, having to completely close for any length of time is unthinkable.
Businesses are taking different measures to keep their staff and customers safe, such as plexiglass barriers, more spaced seating, curbside pickup, and updated payment options. Upgrading their payment systems to reduce the number of touch points that a customer and staff must make is essential. The newly integrated credit payment systems and pin pads don’t require your staff to ever handle the customer’s form of payment. Showing your customers that you’ve updated your procedures is the first step to keeping them coming back.
Customers have come to expect to be able to pay using their phones, such as Apple Pay and Google Wallet, or just hovering their card over the payment terminal. These touchless credit processing options are being demanded by customers and staff today and are becoming more relevant every day. Customers will choose to shop elsewhere if you don’t offer up-to-date payment options.
Seamlessly integrated credit payments systems not only keep staff and customers safe, but also cut costs by limiting the number of chargebacks from fraudulent cards, lessening entry errors by cashiers, and lowering your per transaction credit fees.
Stay open and up to date with integrated credit payment systems. Contact us to learn more. Contact Us (